Our Mission

The Grads And Postdocs Society (GAPS) at TRIUMF takes lead responsibility for the social and educational welfare of graduate students and postdoctoral researchers at Canada’s National Laboratory for Nuclear and Particle Physics. We are a committee of like-minded volunteers comprising both graduate students and researchers at the laboratory. Through organizing a variety of different events, we are fully engaged with all members of TRIUMF, including both undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and board-appointed staff. Many events organized by GAPS, such as our regular schedule of Physics seminars, are designed for the benefit of students and ensure their experience of working at a premier research facility is an overwhelmingly positive one, whatever the duration of their term. We have also hosted several external speakers from UBC and other Canadian universities to provide valuable transferrable skills and career development advice for young researchers. You can read more about our activities and see our full schedule of events on this website. 

GAPS Committee

Chris Chambers - Chair

Félix Cormier - Vice-Chair Advocacy (and Coffee Warden)

Louis Croquette - Vice-Chair HR

Aveen Mahon - Vice-Chair Social

Gabby Gelinas - Vice-Chair Professional Development

Mehdi Drissi - Treasurer

Cameron Angus- Secretary

Pavithra Weligampola - Webpage Maintainer

Daniel Yates - Cookie Monster


Chris Griffin

Ben Davis-Purcell

Ben Smithers

Juan Rivera

Guy Leckenby

Jennifer Sanchez Rojo

Coulter Walls

Victoria Karner

Sakshi Kakkar

Megan Cvitan

Annabelle Czihaly

Ivana Belosevic

Eleanor Dunling


Linh Tran

Annabelle Grimes

Cameron Shenton

Areesha Rizwan

Navisha Sareen

Tinotenda Masvikeni

Ruth Gregory

Jasmine Zhang


Vanshika Sharma

Support Staff:

Monika Stachura - GAPS Faculty Liaison

Marcello Pavan - Academic, University & User Engagement Coordinator

Past committee members: