Specific positions available
Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)
Multiple positions available, some requiring US citizenship but not all: https://frib.msu.edu/employment/index.html
The Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee is an Expert Committee of the European Science Foundation. Visit Job postings.
IP2I-Lyon Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics team
The experimental nuclear astrophysics team at IP2I-Lyon has a postdoc position available, founded by the Lyon Institute of Origin LabEx (LIO) and starting in Septembre 2022. The selected candidate will be involved in the development of experimental campaigns of interest for the p-process nucleosynthesis. More details can be found on the LIO website: https://lio.universite-lyon.fr/recrutements/postdoctoral-position-cross-section-measurements-for-the-p-process-nucleosynthesis-ip2i-umr5822-et-lgl-tpe-umr5276--249401.kjsp?RH=JOB1517919584021
Interested candidates should complete their application before April 1st, by sending a CV, a statement of interest and at least 2 reference letters to Olivier Stézowski (o.stezowski@ip2i.in2p3.fr) and Camille Ducoin (c.ducoin@ip2i.in2p3.fr).
The candidate is also kindly invited to contact the local team for any additional information concerning the position.
IJCLab for Nuclear Mass Measurements
There is a PhD position at IJCLab for Nuclear Mass Measurements at RIBF Riken (Japan) for the Nucleosynthesis of Chemical Elements. See announcement below.
Ba-tagging with nEXO
Please see the announcement for an open Postdoc Position for Ba-tagging with nEXO on behalf of Thomas Brunner, McGill University: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2024386