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Theory Fellow position at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams in Michigan, USA

  • 567 Wilson Rd East Lansing, MI, 48824 United States (map)

The FRIB Theory Alliance is seeking outstanding candidates for an FRIB Theory Fellow. The fellow will be hosted by one of the Partner Institutions listed below. The successful candidate will conduct independent or collaborative research on theoretical nuclear structure, reactions, astrophysics, and/or fundamental symmetries relevant to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). The FRIB Theory Alliance is a consortium of universities and national laboratories actively engaged in theoretical research in FRIB science. FRIB is a new national user facility for nuclear science, funded by the DOE Office of Science and operated by Michigan State University.

In their application materials, applicants should communicate their preferences with regards to specific hosting institutions. Hosting institutions and host contact information are:

Argonne National Laboratory: Alessandro Lovato (

Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Thomas Papenbrock (

University of Notre Dame: S. Ragnar Stroberg (

Please apply at Academic Jobs Online.