Post-Doctoral Fellowship in management of Neutron and Synchrotron experimental data
The post-doctoral position is open in the framework of the groundbreaking 3-years BIG-MAP European H2020 project, which forms part of the Battery 2030+ large-scale European initiative:
The Battery Interface Genome Materials Accelerated Platform (BIG-MAP) is dedicated to the development of a modular, closed-loop infrastructure and methodology to bridge physical insights and data-driven approaches in order to accelerate the discovery of sustainable battery chemistries and technologies. BIG-MAP will integrate machine learning, computer simulations and AI-orchestrated experiments and syntheses to accelerate battery advances and optimization. The ILL, world leader in Neutron science and technologies, is a partner of the BIG-MAP consortium, which totals 34 participants from 15 countries, spanning renowned academic experts, Large Scale research Facilities (LSF), research laboratories and industry leaders.