Postdoctoral researcher in nuclear spectroscopy beginning September 3, 2020 or as agreed, for a fixed-term of two years.
We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral researcher to join our research group to work in the ERC Consolidator Grant project “Masses, Isomers and Decay studies for Elemental Nucleosynthesis ” (MAIDEN) focusing on properties of neutron-rich nuclei relevant for the astrophysical r process. In this project, nuclear properties are studied to better understand nucleosynthesis in stars, in particular the rapid neutron capture process (the r process). The MAIDEN project started in 2018, and a couple of experiments have already been successfully run and instruments developed for the project at the IGISOL facility in the JYFL Accelerator Laboratory at the University of Jyväskylä. We are now seeking for a postdoctoral researcher to focus on decay spectroscopy experiments and work together with our international research team at the excellent research facility IGISOL.
The postdoctoral researcher will focus on decay spectroscopy of neutron-rich nuclei employing various detector setups and purified ion beams at IGISOL. The beam purification is typically done with the JYFLTRAP Penning trap but also the new MR-TOF mass separator or selective laser ionization can be applied. The postdoctoral researcher is expected to take a central role in preparing and running the spectroscopy experiments of the project, related data analysis and management, and publications. She/he is also expected to actively participate in other experiments at the IGISOL facility.