GAPS organized a series of practice talks for the upcoming WNPPC in Mont Tremblant, Québec. The Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference is the annual, national meeting focused on junior nuclear and particle physic researchers across Canada.
Special thanks to the speakers:
Danika MacDonell "Calibration of SuperCDMS Dark Matter Detectors for Low-Mass WIMPs"
Robin Hayes "Scale Factors for the ATLAS Muon Triggers",
Konstantin Lehmann "Electrical Isolation of ITk Strip Sensors"
Yukiya Saito "Decay Spectroscopy of Neutron-rich 129-Cd with GRIFFIN spectrometer"
A. DeHart (TBD)
Update Feb 19, 2018: A hearty congratulations to all the participants of the WNPPC and especially to Konstantin and Robin who were selected respectively for No. 1 and No. 3 best talk awards at the conference!